

sex, dogshit and the leader of the freeworld


I am was watching MTV just recently, (you see, I must admit I like watching the real world, not the people and their immature problems, but the fact that they are living in a mansion and getting drunk... to me that is an ideal life, they don’t even have jobs) anyway, out of no where comes on Christina Abdul Jabar Aguilera and she is telling me to get up and vote, as if I wasn’t already, as if this little barfing wench of sex could actually command me to get up and voice my opinion... but the funny thing about all of this “rock the vote” crap is that they are selling sex, and MTV blatantly adds it in their slogan...


This is a little confusing, I mean, when has sex ever had to do with voting, are there voters that go into the booth and think about sex when casting a vote... are we weighing the sexiness of the voters, are we voting for sex... does the ballot look something like this...

1. George Bush republican nominee
2. John Kerry democratic Nominee
3. don’t vote for either, go home get a blow job and watch football

Is it a choice? And if so where, because like Charles Bukowski once said, “choosing a president is like having to chose to eat cold dog shit and hot dog shit, there is no good decision.... “Where is Chris Rock in all of this? Has he made the ballot this year? The problem with voting is that every four years we sit down and try I pick between two powerfully rich white males in hopes that they will better represent us....

Well this year the decision is easy... I am voting for SEX...