research, consumtion, and self satisfaction
After gaining some interest nick Hornsby’s new book The Polysyllabic Spree, apparently 14 installments from a column that he has been writing for the past several years where he reviews all literature digested by his curious mind, webpages, plays, sports scores, books that he has read, books that he might someday read... I myself have decided to start categorizing and reviewing most of the things that are happening in my life. I recently wrote a piece about some of my favorite reads (which will not be posted here on wrldmrine, due to its pending publication.) and I've found it was quite inquisitive, not that I haven’t partaken on the adventure before. Ever since my recent divorce I have been questioning everything in my life while adapting and tailoring quite rapidly in a manner that suites my likes and dislikes... for example. I like mayonnaise, I like mayonnaise a lot, so much that I sometimes eat bread with only mayonnaise on it, even furthermore, scoop it right out of the jar like a child does peanut butter and into my mind. I guess that is one of the advantages of divorce, you can begin buying what you want and doing what you want with your spare time and money, rather than sitting down with the committee and running everything by “the boss” before purchases. And I must admit that I have made some odd purchases in the last two years, but that itself is another story that perhaps might someday be told in this form. Right now I am going to submit a list of the webpages that I am currently viewing on a daily basis. Why? Might you ask, well simply because I can post anything I fucking want on wrldmrine (unless Chris revokes my privileges or crashes the server which he does quite frequently.) so here it is bitches.