

the things we do: notes from last night


Well here I am. It is morning and I am drunk. Not that I am drunk in the morning, (what do you do with a drunken sailor/what do you do with a drunken sailor/ so early in the morning?) but more hung over from last night. (It is not a good idea to go out drinking on an empty stomach.) I had this grand vision that we would first snowboard, 7pm-9pm, we would then hit the bars 10pm-midnight and finally end up back here making pizza, top roman, and possible some bean and cheese burritos, but instead:

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Go home and change
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Wear "angry black male" tee shirt
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Go to bar
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Drink 5 rum & cokes
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No food, try to steal food
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Jump off of deck
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Play pool, spin cue like Tom cruise
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Pay tab and leave huge tip to hot girl
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Spin out in parking lot
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Keys taken away from me
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They drive me home

Talk loud
Fall down
Until I smash into my bed like an iron comet

Now I ask of you. Do this! Do this for me, do this for you. you too must show off. You must rock out. I am trying, at least I am trying. I am working, that is what I am doing, I am working for you. I am living for you. I am out there kissing the girls, and showing everyone everything even though they don’t necessarily want to see everything. Here is everything! I lay it out. Oh, do I lay it out for them to see. Lay it out for me, with me. sign the guestbook, send me an e-mail, spillane@wrldmrine.com call my mom up and tell her it will be ok (sorry if you are reading this mom, I really didn’t get too drunk last night) but it will be ok, we will be ok. We will land on our feet, much like that deck jumping incident last night. We will wake up and make coffee. Can you smell it now? Maybe what I said was a little rude, but they knew that you, that we, that I was drunk, (but not too drunk) and they knew that you, that we, that i was cute, (in a chubby sort of santa claus way) and this is what we do, what you do. Love you, love me... love us, because we are out there, putting it on the line.

shit I am late for work.