

before we went to canada


This is how it will be, we will load up the vehicle and drive it down to the port, we will then unload all of our gear into one of that little buggy like carts which will make it easier to transport down the long wooden dock. It will be sunny out because it is always sunny out. We will smile, we will wave... and we will start the trip. There will be a lot of things to do right off the bat; there will be a lot of things to talk about. The survival gear, the survival suites, what to do incase someone falls overboard. What to do incase of emergency, what to do if there is a drowning, or if the boat is sinking. How to call for help, the international sign for distress, how to start the engine, how to raise the sails. How to read the gages. How to anchor, how to dock, how to tie a square knot. These are the things that we need to learn, not so much me, but Chris. He is new at all this, if we say starboard side, he will look confused, if we say, grab the mainsail, he will freeze. Bow, stern, aft, winch, spreader, fender, cleat... these are all new to him. These are the things we will talk about; these are the things we should talk about. We will put on life preservers, we will shine lights into the sky, and we will row around in the dingy making sure the oar locks work. We will start the outboard engine, it is a Nissan, and it is Japanese, because my father promised he would never by another American motor after owning both a Johnson and an evenrude. Never again, he said, those fucking things, I would rather throw them overboard, and he has. Japanese one, Americans zero.

I already know how Gavin will react to all of this, he will want to fish, he immediately seek out the fishing poles and the rusty fishing hooks and try to embed them into his child flesh. he will swing them around as if trying to crush a piņata, we will dodge the hooks while the swarm past our tender moist eyeballs while telling him to put the fishing poles away, while telling him to put on a life preserver, while my father rattling on about Canada, about Alaska, about some guy on his ship that got food poisoning. This is how it will be; this is how it should be