Sometimes I like sit here and think, with my belly so fat, overflowing out of my jeans and down over the floor and out into the street, across most of Anchorage, and Kodiak and Kenai, most of Alaska and down into Washington, across the San Juan Islands, down the I-5 corridor past Everett, past Seattle, the S-curve, SeaTac, federal way, Fife, Tacoma… slowly under bridges into Olympia…
Further south into Centralia, it is like the blob, my stomach fat just leaving me all over these places, south on I-5… further more into Castle rock and Andy saying, “Castle Rock we are almost there” into Kelso and Longview and thinking of Barbara Stump and how she moved from Long Island to Longview because her husband was a Tug Boat captain… past Vancouver Washington where Meagan Bell moved after she broke up with me and later my wife Kim and her brothers romped around…
further more into Portland where I flew out prior to moving, my father on a whim said, "let’s go to Portland" in 1984, me as a 10 year old taking pictures with a disposable of Mt. Hood. My first time seeing ferns and going to the Portland zoo.
And I just eat you, all of it squirming around in my intestinal track.
My Friday Harbor’s and my Arizona boy scout trips and DC, and Florida (which I wrote spectacular book of poetry on) And Belgium and Germany, Bosnia, Hungary, Georgia…
And my fat just kept going and sucking it all in… I was running a lot then and now, but it just happened.
I would run and run and punish myself but my belly just kept getting bigger and fatter. I would listen to classical music to help the girth along, as if the sweet gentle music of the gods could make my existence any easier.
So on voyager one, there is a really great collection of music… let me start you out with this…
1. Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F. First movement.
2. Stravinsky, the right of spring
3. But the one I can’t get over is “dark was the night” by Blind Willie Johnson
Just listen to that song and imagine space craft floating out into the furthest parts of space reaching out to aliens. As an introduction….
And I like to think, I am not all that fat.