I always had a lot of love to give (Donnie Smith Quiz Kid)
It always felt like something I was trying to do. just give my love, and I love everything. The way the mountains reach up to the sky, the way kids jump into mud puddles, or husbands and wife’s reach out looking for each other’s hands in a supermarket.
Just there in potential.
Wes starts the engine, there is no wind, we pull forward and yank the hook out of its set. Chris and I just pulling and pulling up all this chain. Frank and my dad really believed in all the chain, they really set all the hook. What’s that all about. They seemed to escalate over the years, just getting bigger anchors and more chain, are the storms that bad here? We need a beer.
We are motoring to (------) BC. We are going to Alaska.
Most of the time on deck chris just sits out in the sun in his Columbia vest sucking up the rays. He is listening to a variety of songs, most of them are from 2001 Is this it. he says it reminds him of something.
Meanwhile Wes and I are maximizing the new connection to our phone. Over the onboard speakers we are different Wes concoctions. Roger Waters, Pink Floyd, some shit he has from the movie Shawshank Redemption. And then we listen to about two minutes of Stephen King reading Shawshank Redemption before I turn it off. I don’t want words to ruin a good book and I keep thinking about a moment in I think, Four Seasons. He writes a story that is basically Stand by Me… and the main narrator Will Wheaton sees a deer and chooses not to write about it because he wants to keep it to himself.
I feel like my whole life is all these things that I don’t want to write about, I just want to keep them to myself. These moments of Wes and Chris, I can never capture them and I am the best at capturing them. Sometimes I just want them to be as they are unmolested.
Wes says, we got wind
We all jump up.
And we are running around, we are not good at this, we raise a sail or two. The boat heaves to an angle, things happen, we turn off the engine. And for the first time it is silent, we are just listening to the tape/mobile phone which is now playing bob Marley. I got a lot of love to give.