



Still one of the most amazing videos I will make is to a sound that looks like this [ ]

And I have all the movements, and most of them are my kids, one dresses up as a dragon and one dresses up as cowboy or a ninja and they our out upon the Alaskan landscape with mountains and meadows and glaciers-salmon hill top berries…

And the lyrics call out “I am a good man”

There is a fluttering of hair, books and words that just seem to fall out of dolphin mouths in clicks and clatter

Until we laugh at you…

The story is told in images, the kid, the one kid is a dragon and just walking around all lonely and sorts and there is this cowboy ninja that is dead set on killing shit… the poor dragon eventually meets the cowboy ninja upon the Alaskan back drop of pure beauty, they meet and become friends.

To this song [ ]