I would always sort of imagining myself working like this. I would start out with Radiohead “In Rainbows” Reckoner. And work my life back from here. Mostly I just get hung out here on a good song and then go to You Tube and find a good video and just have some fun.
But it is bigger than this.
“All I Need” by Radiohead on the same album was what I played though the big fat headphones, on my wife’s big fat belly as Finn was being born… it was good he turned out okay. After he was born it was a different story. He was up all the time, breast feeding, diapers, there needed to be new music, new music to put him asleep, again I found this with Radiohead, I explored Mozart, Bach, Beck, Wagner, nothing did the trick until I played this one song
“Everything in its Right Place” by Radiohead…
Every time, walking around the kitchen island in Kodiak, this put him to sleep, if he was still up I played the next song that was on this album. “Kid A” it has this sort of childhood storybook opening and then moves quickly into some sort of dark shit…
We've got heads on sticks
You've got ventriloquists
Standing at the shadows at the end of my bed.
Rats and children follow me out of town…
I always took great comfort in that, that all the rats are following something out of town, but it is at a cost, your children.
As I pushed my kid around the counter, he fell sleep and we fell asleep into arms of love and childhood kissing and just being happy enough to create another kid. We moved into that. Reilly.
So here are some songs that made Reilly. If you don’t think literature, poems and songs make people I would ask you to think again
We had Finn, he was completely our life. We wanted more.
There was a song by Smashing Pumpkins, back when I was in the army that just sprang out all this just, don’t give a fuck attitude. When we were getting ready to have Reilly I, we needed some of this just don’t give a fuck attitude. I played this song over and over and over again. “the Areorplan Flies High (turns left)
That song alone is probably the reason Reilly was born.
We lost something in the middle. Perhaps our soul but we had Reilly, and that is more soul gain, then more soul lost.
Reilly, you came into this world with all these messed up teeth, and you ears that were folding down upon themselves and we spent hours after hours trying to figure out how to get them up righteous. Your teeth were already yellow, we worried about that. And you had the biggest dick that Kodiak has ever seen, they didn’t even have the correct tools to give you
circumcision, we were catholic and we wanted that, we wanted a somehow a clean cock. I am so sorry about this, you cried and cried, “we need a gauge 6” that is what the doctor said, we don’t have a gauge 6, and your mother and I me were watching you under this heat lamp of sort of things, and they made a wrong snip and you cried and cried, it was horrible, a baby. I was getting ready to pull the plug, the doctor (this young kid, doctor z the same one that yanked you out by the placenta) was all like I can do this, your dick will bleed. And bleed.
It bleeds. You bleed. Your big cock was sliced. They couldn’t find anything to fit around its head. Your head. Your big head of knowledge. The questions that you ask me. Everything that you ask me at 5 years old is everything I ever wanted to be as a 45 year old human being. Can we just watch the sun set? I say to you.
Never mind your cock, your for ever-folding down ears, I just want to watch sun sets.