spillane is out of town so i will be doing the updates for a while...that is, i will be going through old emails and posting them in an attempt to draw attention away from the fact that i hardly ever write and would be a horrible updater-guy were i in charge of said updates. having said that...on to the old stuff!
Hey man, it's so good to hear from you! Thanks for the last email and sorry its been a while since I have written to you. How is everything going these days?
Hey, I was wondering something. I was thinking about us not being friends any longer. What do you think? I mean, lets be honest here...based on the fact that you are in Europe, pretty much the foundation of our friendship has been centered around the ability for us to talk over Instant Messenger. Now that your situation has changed somewhat, we really don't get the opportunity to talk much anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, our friendship has a long and storied history, but these days I am wondering if we aren't trying to hang on to something that just wasn't meant to be.
Hey, I am not saying we can't still keep in contact. I just mean I don't think it is necessary for us to try and force keeping each other up to date on the latest goings-on's in our lives. I mean, do you really care about which SUV I am looking to buy? Do I care about the Belgium DSL providers taking months to install service in your apartment? I think we both know the answer to that. Given the circumstances, I figured a call or email every six months or so should suffice. Also, if you are planning on flying to Seattle any time, we always arrange to meet at the airport so that we at least get a chance to see each other. Same thing goes if I were to go on vacation in Europe. I would hope to maybe meet up with you for a lunch or dinner while I am there.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea here. This isn't anything you did, per se. It's just that you really haven't given me anything lately that would make it worth my while to give anything back. As far as the IM thing goes, I met this person on the internet who IM's me at least once a day with the following:
Amber says:
Hey fuckwad
chris says:
Amber says:
You fucking suck
chris says:
i know
Amber says:
You have a small dick and you're fat
chris says:
Amber says:
Plus you're gay
chris says:
I have to go, just got a call
Amber says:
Fucking asshole
chris says:
As you can see, this looks a lot like the conversations we have, so I don't feel like I am missing out on much. Just between you and me, I am trying to stop being friends with that person as well. Basically what it comes down to is, I don't think we have very much in common anymore. Like, this past weekend, I bought a pair of black leather Aldo shoes up in Vancouver. What? You've never heard of Aldo? Well, ask the salesman at Banana Republic what Aldo is. He sure knows about them...in fact, he complimented me on my recent purchase as soon as I walked in there to buy a dark blue v-cut sweater (I bought this specifically to go with my striped button up which I had also recently purchased. f.y.i, stripes are back in style this year).
Anyways, I have really spent more time on this email than I should have. I am a very busy man. I have to get ready for this party at a friends house over in Medina. I have to pick my clothes up from the cleaners and I just found out that the bottle of '89 Merlot I ordered 3 weeks ago has arrived at this local wine shop downtown. I just HAVE to bring this to the party, or else. Last week, my friends and I got into this huge argument over wine. They were saying that the '87 is far better but that is BULLSHIT, so I have to prove it to them.
Anyways, let me know your thoughts. Whatever you decide, I will be cool with it. I just figured I would run this by you to see if you were thinking the same as me. Either way, I just wanted to let you know I won't delete your wrldmrine.com email account no matter what.