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Protagonist: loves history and books, always reading, stays up late at night switching back and forth between discovery, history, TLC, and A&E. Is fascinated by encyclopedias and almanacs, and gives them away as gifts (even to kids.) always reciting facts, and applying them to life, (Like The Edge, but in an half assed manner.) has a tremendous amount of compassion and respect for the things around him that are of his nature (good.) Is always passionately falling in love with corny things like ballet dancers or music, (motif) or things that are beating the odds. Wants himself to beat the odds, by out witting everything that is wrong. Rants and raves a little like Harrison Ford in Mosquito Coast. Likable character. Has crazy melodramatic girlfriend that is always calling him on the cell phone and giving him shit. “Put all the clothes you washed away” and they get in these arguments over the phone, which almost always revolve around him throwing his phone after she gets the best of him. Comedy wise, he has to find it, because it could incriminate him, actually ends up working in his advantage. He loves his girlfriend. Pulling this all off is his great escape (motif) much like writing a screenplay. He doesn’t know what he is doing but knows he can do it.

A Macy Gray type of character has to be likable, lovable and eccentric. Interacts with main protagonist to bring out the qualities in each other, both each other’s foil. Is strikingly beautiful and by far the smartest character in story where good, and intelligence will prevail, there is an over all sense from the beginning that she will have a successful out come, and she knows it. Although an extremely emotional roller coaster, of which she blames on her period, half the time she is just fucking with him, which reflects in a smile the she produces after she hangs up the phone. She only cares for the protagonist and his love for her. She loves sex, which adds to the comedy when the protagonist looks for things in his house and keeps finding toys. She is always giving guilt trips for fun. When the protagonist is planning she is always demanding attention, whether sexual or not, and when they plan runs into a wall, she blurts out and obvious problem, which the protagonist blows off, but later, when with the crew, claims as his own. She knows this; almost like someone watching a child work on a difficult math problem and blurts out the answer instead of letting them work it out. She does this because she wants attention, (sex) and is impatient. She never really worries, is by far the strongest character in the story and the most fun to watch.