

a poem i thought of while getting hit in the head with a hammer and listening to the drums of Franz Ferdianand's "take me out... simple and stupid


Things are making sense
I was hit in the head with a hammer today and things are making sense more so then ever before

I understand gravity now
This constant force always
Building muscles
Making us stronger
always pulling us down

I called my mom up and told her I love her
And that there is this new trick I am learning to do with gravity
I do it all the time
Its so
Easy to fall

I got this girl I call that knows how to fall
Just like me
We talk about how easy it is
and how it hurts

“like apples on you head” she said
She was always smarter than me

But at least things are making sense now
This new trick I am learning to do with gravity
It holds me down
Keeps my feet to the ground
Don’t try any of that flying shit